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gtask-connection.c File Reference

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <gtask/gtask-connection.h>
#include "gtask-internals.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


enum  {


gboolean gtask_connection_write (GTaskConnection *conn, char *buff)
 writes a c string directly to the file descriptor this function is for debug purposes only and will eventually vanish

void gtask_connection_class_init (GTaskConnectionClass *klass)
void gtask_connection_init (GTaskConnection *connection, gpointer g_class)
 initializes a GTaskConnection

void gtask_connection_finalize (GObject *obj)
 finalizes a GTaskConnection

gboolean gtask_connection_init_xml_buffers (GTaskConnection *conn)
 creates the output output buffer to be used by libxml

gboolean gtask_connection_init_gio_channels (GTaskConnection *conn)
 creates the input channel to be used by glib

void gtask_connection_set_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
void gtask_connection_get_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec)
GType gtask_role_get_type ()
GType gtask_connection_get_type (void)
 registers the GTaskConnection object with the GObject system if that has yet to be done and then returns the GType for GTaskConnection

GTaskConnectiongtask_connection_new ()
 creates a new GTaskConnection

GTaskConnectiongtask_connection_new_with_properties (const gchar *name, GTaskRole role)
gchar * gtask_connection_default_server_bind_path ()
 returns the default location of the socket that the gtask daemon will create to communicate with its' clients.

gboolean gtask_connection_connect_domain_socket_default (GTaskConnection *conn)
 attempts to connect to the default unix domain socket used by the gtask daemon (usually $HOME/.gtaskd/server/socket)

gboolean gtask_connection_connect_domain_socket (GTaskConnection *conn, const char *file)
 attempts to initiate a connection to the passed in file (while should be a valid unix domain socket)

gboolean gtask_connection_connect_loopback (GTaskConnection *conn)
gboolean gtask_connection_connection_broken (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data)
gboolean gtask_connection_connect_fd (GTaskConnection *conn, int inp_fd, int out_fd)
 connects a GTaskConnection to a file descriptor

gboolean gtask_connection_is_connected (GTaskConnection *conn)
 determines if the passed in GTaskConnection has been connected to something

gint gtask_connection_get_input_fd (GTaskConnection *conn)
 returns the unix file descriptor that the connection is receiving its input from

gint gtask_connection_get_output_fd (GTaskConnection *conn)
 returns the unix file descriptor that the connection is sending its output to

gboolean gtask_connection_close (GTaskConnection *conn)
 closes all filehandles held by the GTaskConnection

GIOChannel * gtask_connection_get_gio_input_channel (GTaskConnection *conn)
 Returns the GIOChannel that is used for input.

xmlOutputBufferPtr gtask_connection_get_xml_output_buffer (GTaskConnection *conn)
 Returns the xmlOutputBufferPtr to be used by libxml.

const gchar * gtask_connection_get_name (GTaskConnection *conn)
 Returns the name of the GTaskConnection.

void gtask_connection_set_name (GTaskConnection *conn, const gchar *name)
 Sets the name of the GTaskConnection.

GTaskRole gtask_connection_get_role (GTaskConnection *conn)
 Returns the GTaskRole of the passed in GTaskConnection.

void gtask_connection_set_role (GTaskConnection *conn, GTaskRole role)
 Sets the GTaskRole of the passed in GTaskConnection.

GTaskStreamParsergtask_connection_get_stream_parser (GTaskConnection *conn)
 Returns the GTaskStreamParser that is being used to parse the input from the passed in GTaskConnection.

GTaskEventDispatchergtask_connection_get_event_dispatcher (GTaskConnection *conn)
 Returns the GTaskEventDispatcher for the passed in GTaskConnection.


gpointer parent_class

Generated on Mon Feb 2 21:26:15 2004 for libgtask by doxygen 1.3.4