#include <string.h>
#include <gtask/gtask-generic-task.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
void | gtask_generic_task_class_init (GTaskGenericTaskClass *klass) |
void | gtask_generic_task_init (GTaskGenericTask *gtask) |
gboolean | gtask_generic_task_fill_xml_doc (GTaskGenericTask *task, xmlDocPtr doc) |
fills the document with at least a root node (task) and any sub elements that need to be sent to | |
void | gtask_generic_task_dispose (GObject *obj) |
void | gtask_generic_task_finalize (GObject *obj) |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) |
void | gtask_generic_task_get_property (GObject *object, guint param_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) |
GType | gtask_activity_state_get_type () |
GType | gtask_generic_task_get_type () |
gboolean | gtask_generic_task_serialize_to (GTaskGenericTask *task, GTaskConnection *conn) |
outputs the task to the specified connection | |
gboolean | gtask_generic_task_serialize (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
outputs the task packet to the default connection | |
GTaskGenericTask * | gtask_generic_task_new () |
creates a new GTaskGenericTask | |
GTaskGenericTask * | gtask_generic_task_new_with_connection_group (GTaskConnectionGroup *conn_group) |
creates a new GTaskGenericTask bound to the passed in GTaskConnection | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_application (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *app) |
sets the name of the application that is performing the task | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_application (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the name of the application that is performing the task | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_id (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *id) |
sets the id associated with the passed in task | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_id (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the id associated with the passed in task | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_title (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *title) |
sets the title associated with the passed in task | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_title (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
Returns the title associated with the passed in task. | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_thumbnail_uri (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *uri) |
Sets the thumbnail uri of the passed in GTaskGenericTask. | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_thumbnail_uri (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the uri of the thumbnail associated with the passed in task | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_percent_done (GTaskGenericTask *task, gfloat percent) |
sets the percentage of the task that has been completed | |
gfloat | gtask_generic_task_get_percent_done (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the percentage of the task that has been completed | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_activity_state (GTaskGenericTask *task, GTaskActivityState state) |
sets the activity state of the passed in task | |
GTaskActivityState | gtask_generic_task_get_activity_state (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the activity state of the task | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_activity_state_as_string (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the activity state of the task as a lowercase string | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_activity_state_from_string (GTaskGenericTask *task, const char *state) |
attempts to set the activity state of the task from the passed in string. If the state is unparsable, then the task is marked as GTASK_ACTIVITY_STATE_INACTIVE | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_status_message (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *msg) |
sets the status message associate with the passed in task | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_status_message (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the status message associated with the passed in task | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_error_message (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *msg) |
sets the error message associated with the passed in task | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_error_message (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the error message associated with the passed in task | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_category (GTaskGenericTask *task, const gchar *cat) |
sets the category of the passed in GTaskGenericTask | |
const gchar * | gtask_generic_task_get_category (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
returns the category of the passed in GTaskGenericTask | |
void | gtask_generic_task_dump (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
Prints out some information about the passed in GTaskGenericTask. | |
void | gtask_generic_task_set_time_left (GTaskGenericTask *task, glong time_left) |
Sets the amount of time left (in seconds) until the passed in GTaskGenericTask will be completed. | |
glong | gtask_generic_task_get_time_left (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
Returns the number of seconds until the passed in GTaskGenericTask will be completed. | |
void | gtask_generic_task_add_file (GTaskGenericTask *task, GTaskFile *file) |
Adds the passed in GTaskFile to the list of GTaskFile's associated with the passed in GTaskGenericTask. | |
void | gtask_generic_task_add_files (GTaskGenericTask *task, GList *files) |
Adds a the GList of GTaskFiles to the passed in GTaskGenericTask. | |
GList * | gtask_generic_task_get_files (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
Returns a GList of GTaskFiles. | |
void | gtask_generic_task_clear_files (GTaskGenericTask *task) |
Removes all GTaskFiles associated with the passed in GTaskGenericTask. | |
Variables | |
gpointer | parent_class |