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gtask-role-packet.c File Reference

#include <string.h>
#include <gtask/gtask-role-packet.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


void gtask_role_packet_class_init (GTaskRolePacketClass *klass)
void gtask_role_packet_init (GTaskRolePacket *packet, gpointer g_class)
void gtask_role_packet_finalize (GObject *obj)
gboolean gtask_role_packet_serialize_to (GTaskPacket *packet, GTaskConnection *conn)
 writes out the xml form of the passed in GTaskRolePacket to the passed in GTaskConnection. In general this function should never be called, except from within the library. To serialize any packet call gtask_packet_serialize( GTaskPacket * ) instead.

GType gtask_activity_state_get_type ()
GType gtask_role_packet_get_type (void)
GTaskRolePacketgtask_role_packet_new (void)
 creates a new GTaskRolePacket with a role set to NO_ROLE

GTaskRolePacketgtask_role_packet_new_with_role (GTaskRole role)
 creates a new GTaskRolePacket with the passed in role

GTaskRole gtask_role_packet_get_role (GTaskRolePacket *packet)
 returns the role of passed in GTaskRolePacket

void gtask_role_packet_set_role (GTaskRolePacket *packet, GTaskRole role)
 sets the role of the passed in GTaskRolePacket

void gtask_role_packet_set_role_from_name (GTaskRolePacket *packet, const char *name)
 sets the role of the passed in GTaskRolePacket based upon the passed in character string

const char * gtask_role_packet_get_role_name (GTaskRolePacket *packet)
 returns the string representation of the role

GTaskRole gtask_role_from_name (const char *name)
 attempts to determine the role from the passed in string. Unrecognized roles default to NO_ROLE

const char * gtask_role_name (GTaskRole role)
 returns the string representation of the passed in role


gpointer parent_class = NULL

Generated on Mon Feb 2 21:26:15 2004 for libgtask by doxygen 1.3.4