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Todo List

Global gtask_connection_group_add_connection (GTaskConnectionGroup *group, GTaskConnection *conn)
should check and see if the passed in connection is already in the group

Global gtask_connection_connect_domain_socket (GTaskConnection *conn, const char *file)
much better error messages here

Global gtask_connection_connect_fd (GTaskConnection *conn, int inp_fd, int out_fd)
decide how we want to handle roles

Global gtask_connection_connect_loopback (GTaskConnection *conn)
more checking

Global gtask_connection_connection_broken (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data)
one again -- perhaps just formally close down the end of the pipe that spazzed, as opposed to everything?

write up the reconnection code

Global gtask_error_packet_set_error_message (GTaskErrorPacket *packet, const char *error_msg)
we may want to check to see if at some point and time a stupidly large buffer was allocated and is no longer needed and free up some memory

Global gtask_event_dispatcher_private_parse_callback (GIOChannel *chann, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data)
call close on the connection or something


Global gtask_factory_create_task (GTaskFactory *factory, gchar *task_type)
internationalize this

Global gtask_factory_create_task (GTaskFactory *factory, gchar *task_type)
this should probably return just a plain generic task

eventually this should be way more unique: ie the concat of program-pid-time-task-id

Global gtask_factory_init (GTaskFactory *factory)
check out glib and see which of these we may have to free ourselves

Global gtask_generic_task_serialize_to (GTaskGenericTask *task, GTaskConnection *conn)
eventually we need to walk down the class heirarchy and fill this document in a bit

Global gtask_generic_task_set_time_left (GTaskGenericTask *task, glong time_left)
perhaps use GTimeVal -- do we really need a higher granularity?

Global gtask_role_packet_set_role_from_name (GTaskRolePacket *packet, const char *name)
in the future gtask_role_packet_set_role_from_name should skip leading and trailing white spaces

Global end_element (gpointer data, const xmlChar *name)
this is just a quick hack to fix a silly problem in the future we need to sanely clean up our strings

fix me

somehow it seems as if we are getting here twice

Global gtask_stream_parser_push_data (GTaskStreamParser *parser, char *buff, int len)
need some sort of error state to catch this

how do we tell the parser when we are done here?

Global start_element (gpointer data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **attrs)
the parser needs to be much more explicit about the type of error that has occurred

Global start_element (gpointer data, const xmlChar *name, const xmlChar **attrs)
we need to check for the class of the task and instantiate the correct type

decide how we are implementing error types. I expect that this implementation will change in the future, so this really isn't all that critical

Global xml_warning (gpointer data, const char *msg,...)
better warning and error handling check out glib's logging facilities

Global gtask_task_packet_dispose (GObject *obj)
do we have to chain up to our parent's dispose method too?

Global gtask_watch_packet_set_watch_id (GTaskWatchPacket *packet, const char *watch_id)
implement me

Generated on Mon Feb 2 21:26:17 2004 for libgtask by doxygen 1.3.4